Proven Safety
Our line of rough stock protective vests use a hard shell and air management system that works by deflecting and dispersing impacts. This provides superior protection of body and vital organs from direct hits.
"Definitely the safest vests out there, I can attest to that much for sure. Docs said I couldn't ever withstand another shot to the abdomen or it would kill me after I got hurt last summer...contacted Michael
Bodick and he set me up with a brand new TK Vest and I've taken multiple shots and stompings since and haven't gone to the hospital even once. Definitely a life saving and injury preventing piece of equipment. Nothing is completely fool proof when it comes to this sport but his
vests are the closest thing I've ever found to it anyway."
Larry Holmes
"Thanks for the high quality vests, I know you realize the importance of your equipment for the riders and the bull fighters, but you are also giving their families a little comfort as well. My son is my life, or at least a strong part of it, your products keep our loved ones a little safer. Thank you!"
"I went on my first long (two hours) trail ride in the woods today. We were covering some pretty rough ground way back in the woods when the horse I was riding (Comet) got frisky and threw me. I landed hard on my
side. It was a good thing I was wearing the new vest you made for me, I had no damage to my sixty-four year old ribs. Kudos to TK!"
Wendell Whitehead
"Wish I had these 4 years ago . . . fought 145 bulls in 2 days and
they're so comfortable I didn't know I had them on. The combination of the T K Bullfighter [Protector] and shorts leaves very little vulnerability and doesn't sacrifice
agility. It's made my bullfighting better."
Scottie Smith
"The Doctor said that the "Bull Riding Vest" saved Josh's life or
prevented him from long term disability. Josh will be back doing what he loves . . . riding bulls. The [T K Bull Riders] vest has made the sport a lot less painful."
Lisa Cowdell
"In the arenas of high school, collegiate and professional rodeo, safety and quality are important to the future of the sport of rodeo and that of the cowboy. These [T K] vests are right on target."
Don R. Bramer
"I want to let you know that your fighting vest that I got from you last year is the best buy that I have ever made. That vest not only saved my life, but is let me explore new things like bull fighting. Bull fighting has got to be, by far, the best sport ever. I want to thank you one more time for the vest; it was great doing business with you. Keep up the good work and good luck."
Brandon Renner
"Last year I purchased a set of shin guards from you to help protect my left leg from re-injury. I broke my left Tibia and Fibula in June 05 after being kicked in the shin by a horse along side me while I was on another during training at Woodbine Racetrack in Ontario Canada.. Well after healing up and getting back to riding I started wearing these shin guards just for protection. Well that protection turned out to pay for itself today. While getting on a youngster in the barn aisle the horse spooked and spun into the wall with, of course, my left shin being the direct spot of impact. I can happily say I walked away just fine and felt nothing. Thanks for your product; it probably saved me another hospital visit."
Phil Hutchings